“New ways of working” refers to modern, innovative, and human-centred approaches that aim at rethinking work in order to increase productivity, flexibility, collaboration and employee satisfaction. It is pivotal to constantly adapt to a rapidly evolving work landscape, to keep an eye on the work context, to make use of technological possibilities and to utilise the dynamics and structures that arise in a meaningful, expedient way.

"We live in a rapidly changing world, where we need to spend as much time rethinking as we do thinking."

Adam Grant

Does This Sound Familiar to You?

Are employee satisfaction, contribution and productivity below average in your organisation?

Are you wondering what practical benefits greater autonomy and more freedom in decision-making for your employees can bring to your company?

Are all the terms around “New Work” a closed book to you?

Despite all the good intentions, does “agility” often remain on the level of platitudes in practice?

Do you suspect that your workspaces might hinder your employees’ performance?

Then You’ve Come to the Right Place!

  • Experiencing and utilising self-organisation
  • Learning agile working methods that are transferrable to your individual context
  • Co-creative design of new workspaces that enable effective team work

Snap up Your Free 30 Minute Introductory Consultation!

Organisations today face a wide variety of ever-changing challenges. At Both& we meet these challenges with a broad range of ever evolving services. Book an initial consultation session with us now, totally free of charge – and find out, how we provide tailormade solutions meeting your specific needs.


Marion, Ute or Katharina will get in touch with you.